Download the app, login using your personal Gmail or Facebook
Once logged in, you will reach the Homescreen. Simply swipe
through causes to pick your favourite one
You can change the currency and distance values in the 'Settings'
section of the app
If you are in the league, enter your secret code in 'Impact
League' section of the app. Your captain has the team's code
Pick one cause and click on 'Let's Go' to begin your outdoor walk
or jog
- When done, press 'Stop' to end the workout
- View your daily contribution in Profile section
For issues or questions, report on Help Center in app Or shoot us
an email at
- Kindly do not keep the app on for the whole day
Always stop your workouts so that you don't lose any contribution
due to poor GPS connectivity, battery troubles etc.
Let's cover as many as possible kilometers to create the maximum
impact for the needy